Topics in Physics

مقاله دوستم سلين

سه شنبه 20 اسفند 1392
+0 به يه ن
اين نور چند جي-اي-وي كه در داده هاي فرمي-لت از مركز كهكشان پيدا شده انگار داره جدي مي شه. برعكس سيگنال ۱۳۰ جي-اي-وي كه معروف شد به سيگنال ونيگر اين يكي با زمان و با جمع آوري داده هاي بيشتر  كمرنگ نمي شه و پررنگ تر مي شه. يعني كه انگار شوخي شوخي داره جدي مي شه.

چند روز پيش مقاله اي را اينجا معرفي كردم كه مي گفت ماده تاريك با جرم حدود ۳۰ جي-اي-وي كه به كوارك-آنتي كوارك بي فنا مي شوند مي تونه جواب باشه. حالا همكار قديمي ام سلين با همراهي دو نفر ديگه مقاله نوشته اند و مي گويند كه اگر اين جوري باشه الكترون هاي حاصل از اين فنا نور پخش هم توليد مي كنند كه مي بايست ديده بشه. بر اين اساس سلين و دوستان ادعا مي كنند كه ماده تاريك با جرم حدود ده جي-اي-وي كه به لپتون ها فنا مي شه بهتر مي تونه سيگنال ها را توليد كنه. پيشنهاد مي كنند با مطالعه نور در طول هاي كيهاني بزرگ تر و انرژي هاي كمتر اين دو مدل را از هم تمييز بديم.


36]  arXiv:1403.1987 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, other]

Title: Fitting the Fermi-LAT GeV excess: on the importance of including the propagation of electrons from dark matter
Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures
Subjects: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE); Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)

An excess of gamma rays at GeV energies has been pointed out in the Fermi-LAT data. This signal comes from a narrow region centred around the Galactic center and has been interpreted as possible evidence for light dark matter particles annihilating either into a mixture of leptons-anti leptons and b-bbar or into b-bbar only. Focussing on the prompt gamma-ray emission, previous works found that the best fit to the data corresponds to annihilations proceeding predominantly into b-bbar. However, here we show that omitting the diffuse photon emission originating from primary and secondary electrons produced in dark matter annihilations can actually lead to the wrong conclusion. Accounting for this emission, we find that not only are annihilations of ~ 10 GeV particles into a purely leptonic final state allowed, but such annihilations actually provide a better fit than the pure b-bbar channel. We conclude our work with a possible test of these leptophilic scenarios based on the spectral feature of the gamma-ray emission at lower energies and larger latitude.

بؤلوم :
یازار : Yasaman Farzan

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بؤلوم لر


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